Thursday, July 30, 2009

:( saddest moment

*heavy sigh*My head feels like going to explode (due to few days migraine) eyes feels like popping out. God, I don't know what to do. Is this the end?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Final! Final! Final!

...dah start bunga2 panic attack dah ni *fuhhh!!!*

Next week is my final exam. Scary nye (but not as scary as i'm taking the ptk's exam :P though). I thought my final exam will be starting from somewhere on 20th something of june, (i forgot that i'm a junior) but the seniors actually will be having the exams around that date.

Nak pegi Genting pun tak dapat huhuhu...nampak gayanya kena tunggu ina jugak le ni as she's coming back on this 26th and i'm picking her up at the airport. nak peluk cium!! xoxo

Wish me luck for my exam. Hope i can score for my mba. Amin!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

KL Sentral

I went to Kl Sentral today (by ERL my friend). The reason? Simply because I'm meeting my bf :D..he just came back last midnight for a short course. He'll be gone by tomorrow night :(..

*sigh* *sigh* What to do? Jadi la jumpa 3 jam..tengok muka kejap dah la..jgn langsung tak ingat muka. I remember asking him during our dinner, "How does it feel meeting me now after such a long time?". He look at me ???? confuse. "Is it the same? Or is it different? Like meeting some one else?". Being an 'ironlady' doesn't stop me to feel like a 'lady' though :P..

"I still feel the same dear..". *lega* "Is it?". Tak puas hati lagi. "Yes..definately and not maybe". He's complaining that his big boss is making him uncomfortable because 1st he call my bf 'my boy' and 2nd he keep asking my bf out and accompany him for a drink. However, he refused it politely *1000% relief*. He told me, "I think my boss is gay".

If you, what do you think?

Yaaa...I forgot to mention the place where I wait for him. McD. Where else? To my surprise, I did my homework over there hahahaha..never in my life I've been this hardworking. But I do feel like people looking at me and say "Pathetic nya this girl. Kesian sorang-sorang x ada kawan". Maybe my imagination, but I did feel like that. A woman beside me, who is kind of late at age, alone and reading (kind of similar situation to it a good comparison? especially the age?)..she nearly drop my heart...tetiba je ketawa sekuat-kuat hati kat McD tu..kot ye pun seronok or kelakar, control2 la sikit. Malu siot aku yang duduk sebelah tu..rasa macam ringan je dah kaki aku ni.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

:) Happy!!

Tonight we recieved back our mid term paper for financial acct. hehehhee..not as i expected..terkezut kejap! best nyeeee!! i'm relieved and happy but what made me more happier is because prof told me and my frenz that our group score in presentation. I bet we got higher than other groups (so full of me...hahahahha confident gile!). His statement really make my day!! Alhamdulillah.

Monday, May 18, 2009


*sigh* *sigh* *sigh*

Sometimes i wonder why i further my study? Learning Organizational Behavior does make me realize my reasons. But thinking of the headache now, i think i need to rethink again and again about studying. Alamak!! *sigh* i forgot i already signed the agreement with turning back :p

My plan before i enter the university is to be as low profile as i could and i don't want to lead. I've done that part as a bossy boss previously :)). However, with my current situation now, i don't think i can't ignore my instinct to be a leader. Why are they making my life so difficult? If i don't email and instruct, i think the lecturer will throw the thick book to us..tapi terasa macam kena kepala sendiri je.

Just finish a simple case study, but two of my friend is acting like it is a 100 pages case study. They didn't even try as hard as the others. Mati la aku macam ni!!


Thursday, May 07, 2009

Mid Term

Hehehehee...just finish my busiest week ever. Last week I got OB paper..which is kind of suck because I hate reading. I think for OB my score will be so-so je kot. Tak sempat nak habis the last question pun ( tetiba feel it's better to take PTK exam sebab the duration is 3 hours..longer :P). And this week I got Econ & Accounting paper pulak...hehehehe. Econ lagi satu hal..bukak je 1st page aku dah... 'Alamak apa benda nye nie? Kenapa la prof ni bg soalan mcm ni...uwwwaaaa!!!'. Very tricky! Thats what concern me most because Im always careless when answering question. Accounting? hehehehee...nasib baik prof ada bg soalan 'fill in the blank'..klu x satu kelas melungkup Accounting. Masa tengah sibuk dengan exam ni le baru terfikir balik, kenapa la aku nak menyusahkan diri sendiri dengan exam2 ni??

*sigh* next week kena submit paperwork..for sure weekend ni kat sekolah mengadap group. next two week pun ada lagi paper kena submit. next three week pun ada jugak paper kena submit. bila dpt rehat weekend ni? Tak boleh nak hureiii2 langsung. End of this month kena attend seminar..Philip Cotler. I think its good sebabnyaaaaaa.....freeeeeeeeeeee!!! :D

Nak pegi holiday la dengan kawan2. Thinking of a gateaway to Genting...tapi kena tunggu kawan2 cuti Jun ni. Ina, jom ikut aku!!!

Lagi satu...thanks to Meen for the Sakura pic. Cantik kan? Sweet je...*sigh* berharapnya dapat pi tengok sakura dgn meen satu hari nanti.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Hahahahahaa...i change again. I got fed up with my previous quite new blog..too slow. I can't even open it. So, here i am. I'm going to add about Twilight again hehehee..and of course my addiction now. Korean drama!!!!!!!!!! i'm so into it..damn..feel like migrating there ^^ or Japan.. :)

I updated my list of my-so-call-boyfriend now hahahahaa..JT (still on the top), Lee Min Ho (Korea Boys Over Flower), Matsu Jun (Hana Yori Dango) and Mike He. Boy, i can't be helped anymore!! One thing that i realise is that i like man with thick eyebrow..or got a dark feature on their face.

I forgot to update, i already enrolled in GSM, UPM. nearly 2 months now. It's fun man! Chiao! Kambate!